Recent In-Printings
Traces of a Daoist Immortal: Chen Tuan 陳摶 of the Western Marchmount (Brill, 2024)
Daode jing 道德經: A Daoist Contemplative Translation (Square Inch Press, 2024)
“Praxis.” Diversifying Philosophy of Religion (Bloomsbury Academic, 2023)
Daode jing 道德經: A Contextual, Contemplative, and Annotated Bilingual Translation (Square Inch Press, 2023)
Twentieth Anniversary Edition of Handbooks for Daoist Practice (Square Inch Press, 2023)
“Further Explorations of/in Daoist Embodiment.” The Routledge Handbook of Religion and the Body (Routledge, 2023, 377-94)
“Neidan Training According to the Qianfeng (Thousand Peaks) Sub-Lineage: Niu Jinbao’s (1915-1988) Methods in Nine Stages.” Journal of Chinese Religions 50.2 (2022): 233-83
Primer for Translating Daoist Literature (Purple Cloud Press, 2022)
“Towards a Daoist Comparative Theology.” Brill’s Companion to Comparative Theology (Brill, 2022, 467-86)
Entering Stillness: A Guide to Daoist Practice (Square Inch Press, 2022)
“True Joy.” Acu. Summer 2022: 19-22
“Philosophizing Contemplation: Towards a (Re)new(ed) Contemplative Philosophy.” Blog of the American Philosophical Association (May 26, 2022)
“Religion, Animals, and Contemplation.” Religions 13.5 (2022)
“Mountains in Early Quanzhen Daoism.” Buddhism and Daoism on the Holy Mountains of China (Peeters, 2022, 363-94)
“Daoist Meditation: From 100 CE to the Present.” The Oxford Handbook of Meditation (Oxford University Press, 2022, 310-31)
“Daoist Meditation: Theory, Method, Application.” Empty Vessel: Journal of Daoist Philosophy and Practice 28.1 (Spring 2021), 26-29; 28.2 (Summer 2021), 28-31; 28.3 (Fall 2021), 12-14; 28.4 (Winter 2021), 16-21
“On (Not) Being a Fish and Other Daoist Ramblings.” Foreword to The Arts of Daoism (Purple Cloud Press, 2021)
“For a (Im)Possible Future of Philosophy of Religion.” Philosophy of Religion website (May 2021)
Review of Catherine Despeux’s Taoism and Self Knowledge. Journal of the American Oriental Society 141.1 (2021): 234-38
“Training the Horse-Mind.” Empty Vessel 27.3 (Fall 2020): 16-22
“Daoist Meditation.” Routledge Handbook of Yoga and Meditation Studies (Routledge, 2020, 189-211)
“Teachings of the Venerable Masters: Laozi and the Daode jing.” A Companion to World Literature (Wiley-Blackwell, 2020, 1.153-65)
“Daoist Body-Maps and Meditative Praxis.” Transformational Embodiment in Asian Religions (Routledge, 2020, 36-64)
“A Daoist Way of Being: Clarity and Stillness (Qingjing 清靜) as Embodied Practice.” Asian Philosophy 29.1 (2019): 50-64